31 December 2007


What a belly, huh?? I'm scheduled to go in for induction on the 3rd if Liam has not arrived beforehand. They don't want him to get too big. Me either!!! I'm not happy with the idea of induction, however. Too much medical intervention for me. I would much prefer to go into labor on my own and let things take their natural course, but I guess I'd rather be induced than have to have a C-section because of a 10 pound baby or something. On tomorrow's schedule....spicy food, lots of walking, jumping jacks if necessary!!!!

Also for your viewing pleasure...hee hee..me in my pajamas on Christmas!!


Allison said...

yay! We can be blogging buddies :) Liam's gift arrived today and I can't wait til you see it. Love you

Marcy said...

I am excited for you in so many ways! Thanks for inviting me to read your blog!