25 January 2008

Three weeks already!!

I can't believe our baby boy is 3 weeks old already. Thank goodness for baby slings, because I'm finally getting a chance to post an update. Liam is (thankfully) asleep while attached snugly to my chest. The past 3 weeks have moved by so quickly, but at the same time his birth seems like an eternity ago. He's growing so much already!! I spend most of my time breastfeeding, day and night, but at least he's sleeping in decent stretches between feedings. The first four nights at home were insane - nothing could have prepared me for dealing with zero sleep and the "baby blues" at the same time. Poor Brian had to deal with both Liam and I sobbing uncontrollably on several occasions!! That seems to have passed now and I have mastered the ability to fall asleep instantly whenever I get the opportunity. I also have learned to eat all meals very quickly with only one hand, too - he has the uncanny ability to start wailing right when I put the first bite of food in my mouth!! What a sense of humor our son is developing! Speaking of..time for lunch. Here are a few more pictures for you all!



Marcy said...

Aw! What sweet pictures. I am looking forward to reading about your adventures in parenting!

Allison said...

HE IS SOOOO CUTE!!! Oh my goodness am I a proud auntie or what??

I love you, Liam!

Auntie Alli